Semester programs
Through an exchange program, undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students can study overseas at a partner university while remaining enrolled at, and supported by, the University of Adelaide.
Tuition fees are waived by the host university, allowing you to continue to take advantage of your tuition arrangements at home while having an immersive overseas experience. If you are interested in short-term exchange opportunities, such as summer and winter schools, visit the short programs page.
View FULL PARTNER LIST Browse by region Browse by Study Area Program Discovery
Semester 2 2025 Applications Now Closed
Applications for Exchange in Semester 2 2025 have now closed. Information about Exchange programs commencing in Semester 1 2026 will be available in the first half of 2025.
Follow our social media account for updates.
Exchange information sessions
In-person information sessions are held by Study Overseas staff throughout the semester for interested students.
Applying for exchange
Applying for a semester exchange program is a process that takes place over a number of months and includes both an internal and external application process guided by Study Overseas.
Read more below about how to apply for a successful exchange.
The exchange application process can seem complicated, but just requires some planning and organisation. Read the steps below to understand how it all works and what you'll need to do at each stage.
We've included some advice to help you make sure you get credit for your experience. Study Overseas doesn't decide whether or not you get credit, though - that's up to your Faculty's Student Success Team, and you'll need to contact them if you have any questions about your credit.
Step 1: Research your exchange options
Attend an Exchange Information Session
Exchange Information Sessions are an opportunity to meet a Study Overseas staff member who will through the essential information you need to know in preparation for applying to an exchange program.
To check when the next Exchange Information Session is scheduled for, visit Exchange Information Sessions.
If you can't make it to an Exchange Information Session, contact Study Overseas.
Check your eligibility
Before starting an exchange application, check if you meet Study Overseas' eligibility requirements.
Also note that your Faculty may have their own eligibility requirements for you to participate in an exchange program. Refer to your Faculty's Study Overseas website to review their eligibility requirements, links available under the Eligibility tab.
Research potential host universities
When applying for exchange you will be asked to list three host universities, in order of preference, for where you would like to be placed.
To find suitable host university preferences for exchange, you can:
- View the full partner list,
- Browse for universities by region,
- Browse by study area, or
- Program discovery.
To help you gauge how many exchange places may be available at each host university, Study Overseas provides place availability indicators on the host university's information page. These indicators are: High competition for places, Moderate availability of places, and High availability of places. For further information about these indicators, see the Choosing preferences tab.
Don't forget to also factor in the geographical location of the host university, as well as the duration and time of the exchange program.
If you need any assistance, or would like to seek further advice about how to search for suitable exchange preferences, contact Study Overseas.
Step 2: Apply for the Outbound Exchange Program
How to apply
Visit the Outbound Exchange Program page and click the 'Apply Now' button to start an application. You should commence your application at least three weeks in advance of the deadline listed on the Outbound Exchange Program page.
When you apply, the system will prompt you to log in with your University of Adelaide credentials. (You can always log back in through the ‘Log in to SMART' link on the Study Overseas home page.)
Once logged in, you will be asked to select the term for which you are applying. Semester 1 or Semester 2 applications are just for a single semester. If you want to go for two semesters starting in Semester 1, select Full (Calendar) Year. For two semesters starting in Semester 2, select Full Year.
As part of your application, you will need to:
- Accept the terms and conditions for the exchange program,
- Request a Faculty Pre-Approval check, i.e. confirm if you have room in your degree to participate in the exchange program, and
- List your top 3 host university preferences.
Study Overseas will assess your Outbound Exchange Program application after the deadline date.
Your academic results that are published at the end of the semester of application to Study Overseas will be taken into consideration. See Grade Release Dates to check when your results will be published.
Important dates and deadlines
Applications for exchange will open twice per year, one for each semester in the following year.
Be prepared to apply for exchange a year in advance of when you want to go. For example, if you want to apply for exchange in Semester 2, 2025 you will need to apply to Study Overseas in Semester 2, 2024.
Please note that if you are interested in applying for exchange to select Canadian universities (single intake Canada), you may need to prepare to apply for exchange a year and a half in advance. For example, if you want to apply to a single intake Canadian university for Semester 1, 2026, you will need to submit your application in the Semester 2, 2025 application round.
Semester 1 Exchange
- Applications open February/March
- Applications close mid-June
- Exchange offers are made in late July/early August
- Apply directly to host university from August to November - application deadlines vary for each host university
- Host acceptances come in from October to February
- Start the exchange program in January to April - start dates vary for each host university
Semester 2 Exchange
- Applications open July/August
- Applications close late October
- Exchange offers are made in mid-December/early January
- Apply directly to host university from January to May - application deadlines vary for each host university
- Host acceptances come in from April to July
- Start the exchange program in July to October - start dates vary for each host university
Note: If you are interested in applying for exchange in Semester 1 for a single intake Canadian university, follow the application timelines for Semester 2.
Step 3: Your exchange place offer
Decision Date
The decision date is when eligible students will receive an offer for an exchange place at one of our host universities. You will be notified of your offer via email and through your online application in SMART.
- Semester 1 Decision Date: late July/early August
- Semester 2 Decision Date: mid-December/early January
Post-Offer Information Session
If you receive an offer for an exchange place, you will also be invited to attend a compulsory Post-Offer Information Session. This session will explain what happens next in the exchange application process. It is also an opportunity to meet other students also applying for exchange in the same country or region as yourself.
Topics covered in this session include:
- Applying to the host university
- How to seek credit approval
- Responsibilities
- Passports
- Budget and finances
Commitment date
From the decision date, you have 14 days to commit to your offer for an exchange place.
Committing to an offer for an exchange place is an indicator that you wish to proceed with your application.
Please note that exchange places are not guaranteed until you are accepted by your host university.
Study Overseas understands that your circumstances can change. If you need to withdraw from the exchange program after you have committed, you just need to contact Study Overseas.
Step 4: Applying to your host university
Once you have accepted your offer for an exchange place, Study Overseas will need to contact your host university to nominate you as an exchange applicant.
A nomination is how Study Overseas lets the host university know which University of Adelaide students will be applying for their exchange program so that they can contact students directly with application instructions.
In preparation for nominations, and if required by your host university, Study Overseas may contact you directly to request that you provide the following information:
- Passport number
- City and country of birth
Once you have been successfully nominated and have received a notification email from Study Overseas, your application status in SMART will change to 'Host Application to be Completed.'
Faculty Approval
As soon as you have committed to your program, you should start looking for specific courses offered by your host university that fit into your degree. You should attach information such as course descriptions, credit loads, and assessment requirements to your Course Approval Form in the Faculty Approval (Request) questionnaire. We recommend you seek approval for more courses than necessary in case some are not available.
Students completing a double degree across two faculties (e.g. Bachelor of Engineering with Bachelor of Finance) will need to complete two Course Approval Forms, one per degree (e.g. one for the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology and one for the Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics).
Make sure, when choosing courses that:
- They are available to exchange students.
- They are offered in the study period you will be on exchange.
- They are offered in the language of instruction for which you are eligible.
- You meet any prerequisites associated with the course.
Some universities do not release their course catalogues until quite late. In this case, you could base your research on courses offered in the previous year and be open to revising them later.
Again, your Faculty's Student Success Team will have many of these requests to complete so please allow up to 8 weeks for completion. If you have not received a response after 8 weeks, you can contact your advisor directly. We do not recommend that you make travel arrangements in advance of receiving final confirmation of your acceptance from your host university, and credit approval from your Faculty's Student Success Team. Until you receive these confirmations, your acceptance and credit is not guaranteed, and you may find yourself out-of-pocket for any arrangements you have made.
Students need Faculty Approval (Course Approval) for a minimum of 9 units of credit per exchange semester to be eligible for exchange.
Host Application
After your nomination has been submitted to the host university, Study Overseas will email you information about how to prepare for your host university's exchange application. This email will outline the host university's application deadline date, how you will receive application instructions, what documentation to prepare, and if available, information about accommodation, course selection and enrolment.
Documents that you may be asked to prepare for your host application can include:
- Official University of Adelaide academic transcript
- Passport ID copy
- Proof of finances, e.g. bank statement
- Proof of vaccinations or health status, e.g. medical certificate, chest x-rays
- Course selection list
Please note that some of the above documentation may incur a cost to you (e.g. transcript, passport, doctor's visit), so be prepared to include these potential costs in your initial budget.
Once your host application has been completed, you will need to upload evidence of this to your exchange application in SMART. Study Overseas will then update your application status to 'Awaiting Host Application Acceptance.'
If you need any assistance with your host application, please contact Study Overseas.
Host Acceptance
Once your exchange application has been received by the host university, it will undergo an internal assessment process on their end. If it's successfully approved, they will release host acceptance details to you.
Host acceptance is confirmation that you have been admitted into the host university's exchange program, and should include information about orientation and program dates, how to obtain a visa (if applicable), and more.
A host acceptance may be issued as a hard or soft copy document, or in some instances, it may simply be an email. Depending on your host university, they may release your host acceptance details on a rolling basis, or after a particular date.
Once you have received host acceptance details, a copy will need to be uploaded to your exchange application in SMART. Evidence of host acceptance is required to help Study Overseas update your program's itinerary details in SMART, update your application status to 'Accepted to Host Institution,' and verify your eligibility to receive funding.
If you have questions or concerns regarding your host acceptance, please contact Study Overseas.
Step 5: Getting 'Ready to Depart'
Complete your exchange application in SMART
Before you get ready to depart for your exchange, you will need to ensure that you complete all required sections of your exchange application in SMART. This includes:
- Uploading evidence of a completed host application,
- Uploading evidence of official host acceptance details,
- Providing bank details (required if applying for funding such as the OS-HELP loan), and
- Confirming your Adelaide enrolment for each semester of exchange.
Once your application has been completed, Study Overseas will update your application status in SMART to 'Ready to Depart.' This is an indicator that you have completed all the requirements on the University of Adelaide's end and have been approved to commence your exchange program.
There are deadlines for when you must obtain Faculty Approval and a 'Ready to Depart' application status in SMART. See below for the relevant deadlines for each semester.
Faculty Approval Deadlines
- Semester 1: 15 November
- Semester 2: 15 June
Ready to Depart Deadlines
- Semester 1: 15 January
- Semester 2: 15 August
Enrolling at Adelaide
As noted above, you will need to enrol at the University of Adelaide for each semester of exchange.
Your Faculty's Student Success Team advisor will confirm which exchange placeholder course(s) you will need to enrol in via the Faculty Approval (Course Approval) questionnaire. If you cannot find the advice about which exchange placeholder course to enrol in, or are unable to find the exchange placeholder course in Access Adelaide, contact your Student Success Team directly for assistance.
Please note that Study Overseas will check if you have enrolled in the relevant exchange placeholder course(s) for each semester of exchange. If you are not enrolled, you will not obtain a 'Ready to Depart' status in SMART.
If you are on track to obtain a 'Ready to Depart' application status in SMART, you may be eligible to start applying for funding. For further information about the below or other funding opportunities, visit the Funding webpage.
OS-HELP loan
OS-HELP is a loan scheme administered by the Department of Education that allows students to borrow an amount of funding for a six-month period overseas for a maximum of two study periods.
If eligible, students can apply for an OS-HELP loan via their application in SMART. Evidence of host acceptance and faculty approval must be provided before an OS-HELP loan request can be processed.
For information about OS-HELP, including maximum loan amounts and eligibility criteria, visit the Funding webpage and the Australian Government's OS-HELP page.
Australian Government Grants
On occasion Study Overseas may receive grants from the Australian Government to help financially support students during their overseas study experience. For information about grants currently available and any eligibility criteria that may apply, visit the Funding webpage.
If you are receiving Centrelink payments, it is your responsibility to check how overseas travel may affect those payments. You should not assume that your payments will continue. For advice about Centrelink and how to check how overseas travel may affect those payments, visit the Funding webpage.
Step 6: While you're abroad
During your exchange
Once you arrive at your host university things may feel hectic for the first few weeks. You may feel excited for the new adventure that awaits, or you could be happy to have landed and enjoy the effects of jet lag. To make sure that you have a good start to your exchange, be sure to do these things shortly after arriving and/or throughout your exchange:
- Contact family and friends to let them know you arrived safely.
- Visit the international centre at your host university to let them know you have arrived.
- Attend the orientation program and all social activities to meet people and get a hold of your new surroundings.
- Ensure that you have access to funds.
- Obtain student card and concession cards.
- Update your contact details in MyAdelaide.
- Check your University of Adelaide emails regularly or redirect your messages if necessary.
- Share your experiences with Study Overseas on Instagram.
Cultural adjustment
After the initial excitement of being overseas starts to wear off, you may start to notice subtle differences that you may not have noticed at first that begin to become more obvious as time goes by. The curiosity and excitement on discovering these cultural nuances may start to turn into frustration or anxiety. Culture shock does not always happen quickly; it can accumulate from a series of events that constantly challenge your basic beliefs about what is 'right' and 'normal'. Managing your expectations and keeping an open mind are the keys to adjusting successfully.
Tips to help you adjust:
- Make friends with a 'local'
- Be a tourist
- Try something different
- Do something familiar
- Ask for packages from home
Global IQ Connect
Although you can try to mentally prepare yourself for the cultural adjustment shift, sometimes you can still find things are hard. Remember, these feelings are normal!
To help you prepare for the experience of cultural adjustment, consider taking part in the Global IQ Connect Program before you depart for your exchange. This program gives students an opportunity to build and develop their intercultural skills through engaging with other students from different countries and cultures. It can help you understand the role culture plays in communication and interaction, and how situations are often experienced differently by the people involved.
To learn more about the Global IQ Connect Program, visit the Global IQ Connect website.
Academic matters
Changes to your study plan
If you arrive at your host university only to find that you cannot take the courses approved via Faculty Approval (Course Approval), you will need to follow the Faculty Approval Amendment Process as soon as possible to check if any new course(s) is acceptable for credit approval. Please don't assume that 'they will be alright'. You may find yourself short on credit when you return, and this may increase the time it takes to obtain your degree.
Contact your Faculty's Student Success Team if you have any questions about making changes to your exchange study plan while overseas.
Returning early
If you are approved to exchange for two semesters, but decide to return after one, you must notify Study Overseas immediately.
Extending your exchange
While you're overseas on exchange you may decide to extend your exchange for an additional semester. If this is the case, you must notify Study Overseas immediately to find out if it is possible. Also consider securing further accommodation and ensuring that you have enough funds to extend.
When deciding to extend your exchange while overseas, you may find that the extension process can be complicated, faculty approvals need to be re-negotiated, and your extension may even be denied if another student is already in place to attend that university the following semester (as exchanges are managed on a give-and-take basis with a set number of places available per semester).
Please note that the final decision about being able to extend is one that must be made mutually between Study Overseas and the host university.
Support while you're overseas
Being in a foreign environment can be quite emotionally challenging and it can sometimes be difficult. It is important to be aware of the support services available to you. Study Overseas strongly encourages students to contact the relevant support services available if they are struggling.
Many of the University of Adelaide's personal and academic services are available while you are overseas. Feel free to also contact Study Overseas if you require any assistance.
Visit the international centre at your host university to find information on help from counselling services, or similar support.
Step 7: After you return
Your exchange feedback survey
After you complete your exchange program, Study Overseas wants to hear your feedback about your experience. Upon the conclusion of your exchange program, a feedback survey will appear in your exchange application in SMART. Complete this survey to let us know about your experience, and suggestions on how the program could be improved for future students.
Transcripts and credit
At the end of your exchange, your official exchange transcript will be sent directly to Study Overseas. Please be aware that Study Overseas does not request transcripts to be sent to us urgently from host universities unless one full semester has passed since the end of your exchange.
If you receive your official exchange transcript directly from your host university, send it straight to Study Overseas for verification. Your Faculty's Student Success Team will not accept transcripts from students directly.
Once your transcript has been received, we will work with your Faculty's Student Success Team to allow for the transfer of appropriate exchange credit.
Note that if you complete a full year exchange, Study Overseas will not process your transcript unless we have received your results for both semesters of the exchange.
Students in their last year of study should be aware that due to overseas processing times, on occasion transcripts are received after the deadline for graduations and your eligibility to graduate may not be finalised until the following round. Study Overseas does not request transcripts to be expedited from the host university for students to graduate in their preferred ceremony.
Transfer of credit
The individual courses that you complete on exchange, and the results which you receive for them, will not appear on your University of Adelaide transcript. Upon successful completion, you will receive a grade of “NFE” (No Formal Examination) next to your exchange placeholder enrolment with a comment saying that you received transfer credit for studies completed at your host university.
Please note that if you do fail a course at your host university that was approved for credit at Adelaide, this credit will not be transferred over to your Adelaide record.
For any questions about transcripts and credit, please contact Study Overseas.
Step 8: What's next? Developing your exchange experience
Global IQ Connect
Are you keen to continue your global experience and significantly increase your employability once you are place in Adelaide? The Global IQ Connect Program can help you with that by developing your intercultural skills by engaging with students from other countries, attend interactive cultural workshops, obtain a certificate, and the hours you invest count towards the Adelaide Graduate Award.
Careers Service
After you complete your exchange, it’ll be time for you to utilise it for your future career.
Sometimes it can be hard to know how to articulate your overseas experience in a resume or at an interview. If you are after some tips, visit the University of Adelaide Career Services. You can also join CareerHub, a free online platform for University of Adelaide students where you can find jobs and internships opportunities, resources and guides, events and workshops and more.
Before starting your application, please check these simple requirements to ensure you are eligible for exchange.
These eligibility criteria are for entry into the Study Overseas exchange program and allows Study Overseas to nominate you for an application to a host university. Meeting them does not necessarily guarantee an offer for a particular university or final acceptance from a host university. The application to a host university is a separate process which takes place after you have received an initial offer from Study Overseas.
Some host universities will have additional requirements for students such as requiring additional study to have been completed, a higher level of grades, prior language study, and there may be discipline-specific restrictions or requirements. This information is provided in the host university pages. Your University of Adelaide Faculty may also have specific requirements, these are linked to at the bottom of this page under Faculty Specific Eligibility Requirements.
IMPORTANT: Eligibility for exchange is not the same as eligibility for OS-HELP. If you intend to take out an OS-HELP loan to support your exchange, you must ensure you meet the OS-HELP eligibility criteria in addition to the exchange eligibility below. Check the Funding page for details.
Eligibility requirements
Faculty pre-approval for a minimum of 9 units credit for each semester of exchange
- As verified by your University of Adelaide Faculty's Student Success Team(s) in the Faculty pre-approval questionnaire in SMART.
- See disability information for exceptions to this full-time study requirement.
4.5 GPA or above for the degree/s for which you want to go on exchange.
- Some host universities require a higher GPA. Check individual host university pages before selecting preferences.
- Only a University of Adelaide GPA for the relevant degree/s, as published on a University of Adelaide transcript, will be considered.
On track to complete 9 units of study by the end of the semester in which you are applying.
- The 9 units of study must be completed at the University of Adelaide for the degree/each of the degrees you will study overseas.
- With 18 units to be completed at the University of Adelaide by the time you start your exchange for the degree/each of the degrees you will study overseas.
- As verified by your University of Adelaide Faculty/ies in the Faculty Pre-Approval (Course Approval) questionnaire in SMART.
- Some host universities require more units to be completed, either for all students or just for specific disciplines. Check individual host university pages before selecting preferences.
- At least 3 units of study must be completed at the University of Adelaide in the year of application (i.e. the semester in which you are making your application to Study Overseas and/or the semester before). In all cases you need to be active in the degree/s against which you wish to go on exchange.
- Double degree or concurrent degree students can count units across their programs towards the total number of units required. Students will still need to demonstrate at least 9 units completed in the degree/each of the degrees they will study overseas.
- Previous study (discontinued) from the University of Adelaide, any study from another Australian university, or transferred credit from an overseas institution, can count towards the total number of units required. Students will still need to demonstrate at least 9 units completed in the degree/each of the degrees they will study overseas, and the credit needs to be formally transferred towards a degree for which you will study overseas.
- Where a student has completed a University of Adelaide degree in the same discipline area, or internally transferred from a degree in the same discipline area, in the previous semester, without a break in enrolment, previous study can make up all the unit requirements. Students will need to be admitted into their new program before an offer can be made. Consideration for the related degree GPA will be made.
Postgraduate students must be on track to complete at least 9 units at the postgraduate level when applying for exchange.
- Exceptions to this rule may be granted if students are transitioning immediately from a University of Adelaide undergraduate to postgraduate program and have approval from their Faculty's Student Success Team to undertake an exchange in the first semester of their postgraduate studies. Final offers may not be given until students are formally admitted into their postgraduate program.
- Undergraduate results from a University of Adelaide degree may be considered when determining exchange eligibility for postgraduate students (i.e. total units completed).
Additional eligibility requirements
- Students who have already participated in an exchange must complete at least one semester of study back at Adelaide before departing on another exchange.
- Sponsored students should check their eligibility to participate in the exchange program with their sponsor prior to commencing an application.
Please note: The information above only applies to undergraduate and postgraduate (coursework) students. MBA students are advised to speak directly with their Business School advisor. PhD students should speak directly with their supervisor in regards to their overseas research opportunities. Once finalised, overseas research opportunities should be registered in SMART.
Specific eligibility requirements
Students should thoroughly read the exchange guidelines and process on the Student Success Study Overseas page.
Preference Guidelines
When applying for exchange you are required to list three host universities, in order of preference, where you would like to be placed for your exchange semester or year.
It is part of Study Overseas' job to place eligible students at a host university. There is a limited number of places available at each host university, based on the balance of students sent between the two universities over time. This can mean a wide variation in the availability of places at our host universities. It may also be the case in a particular semester that there are no places available.
Study Overseas provides place availability indicators on each host university's page:
‘High competition for places’ indicates that there are usually many more applicants than places available.
For this reason, you are required to choose at least one preference which has either a Moderate or High availability of places so that we have the best possible chance of successfully placing you. When completing your Preferences and Credit questionnaire in SMART, you will find that your third preference option will be restricted to only those universities with a Moderate or High availability indicator. Your first two preferences are unrestricted.
Students are selected for places based on academic merit in addition to other components of their application, host university requirements and University data.
Make sure you have researched and are happy with all your preferences - you may receive your second or third preference and, in some cases, additional preferences may need to be considered.
Click the buttons below to view all host universities with:
High Availability Moderate Availability High Competition No places
How to search for suitable preferences
You will need to do a significant amount of research to make sure your preferred universities are suitable for you.
Browse the host university pages
Use the 'View full partner list', 'Browse by region', 'Browse by study area' or 'Search by other criteria' buttons at the top of this page to navigate to individual pages for each host university. These pages include important information and links relating to exchange opportunities with that host.
You can see the study areas taught by that university (a guide only, you should investigate the host university’s website for more detail), the number of units you will need to have completed by the time you apply and by the time you depart, language requirements, and the Exchange Place Availability indicator.
Things to consider when choosing preferences
You should be able to tick the following boxes for each of your preferences before you apply.
- There are enough appropriate courses in my academic area, in the semester(s) I will be there on exchange, that are available to exchange students. Students need Faculty Pre-approval and Faculty Approval for a minimum of 9 units of credit per exchange semester.
- There are courses at the appropriate level to my study (i.e. undergraduate or postgraduate) and the Academic Level indicator in SMART reflects this.
- The host university teaches in a language I speak competently.
- I am on track to meet the minimum units required upon application and at time of commencement, and the minimum GPA.
- The host university offers a student culture and accommodation options that suit my lifestyle and needs.
- The estimated cost of living at the destination for the duration of my exchange is manageable for me. Refer to the finances tab for information about costs you will need to consider and funding options. You can also refer to our host university pages which may have links to estimated costs for individual host universities.
- There are services that I require (e.g. disability support).
- I can meet my personal goals for my overseas experience.
- I have ascertained the above through proper research on the Study Overseas and host universities' websites.
Other considerations
Geographical location
Students often focus on only one part of the world when considering their exchange destination. We encourage you to consider a wide variety of locations. If you need to study in English, you are not limited to Canada, the United Kingdom, or the United States of America. Most of our exchange partners offer a wide range of courses taught in English. You can check individual host university pages for further information. You’ll find other international students like you from around the world at our host universities, and support services on campus to help you settle in.
Duration and timing
Will you go on exchange for a semester or a year? Here are some things to help you decide:
- You need to be able to maintain a 75% (9 Adelaide units) workload in every semester you’re on exchange, so you need to have space in your degree to receive full time credit for overseas study. Some host universities will require a 100% load. This can be a challenge if you do not have many electives left.
- Some host universities are only available for exchange in certain semesters or certain combinations of semesters (e.g. will accept Full Year (July-July), but not Full Calendar year (Jan-Dec)).
- International students will need to ensure that they are preparing to take a study load that still allows them to complete their degree within the duration of their Australian CoE (speak to International Student Support if you're not sure).
- There are other reasons you might choose either one or two semesters for an exchange. Factors such as friends and family, financial considerations, cultural factors, obligations at home, and many other things should be considered.
We are often asked which costs are the student's responsibility while overseas. Your tuition fees at the host university are waived, which can save you thousands of dollars, but otherwise your travel, living and entertainment costs are your responsibility.
We ask that all students consider the cost of exchange and how this would differ between host universities before finalising exchange preferences. There are numerous study abroad budget calculators available online or you may choose a simple excel document. You should look for something which allows you to input your estimated expenses and subtract this from your estimated available funds, the required outcome being to have sufficient funds to cover your expenses.
To assist you with budgeting, we have developed a budget template for exchange preferences which lists the sources of funding and expenses you should consider for each of your preferences. The template is available as an editable Excel document to facilitate the use of hyperlinks and formulas.
Download the budget spreadsheet
Costs you will need to consider
- Your home course fees (at the University of Adelaide). Course fees at your host university are waived by agreement, however you must still pay course fees as you normally would at home (through HECS or direct payment). In addition, you will still be liable for the Student Services Amenities Fee each semester you are away, which can also be paid through HECS or directly to the University.
- Airfares and travel costs - flights to and from your exchange destination, and side-trips or excursions you may undertake whilst on exchange.
- Accommodation - this varies widely depending on your destination. Most host universities will provide an accommodation guide.
- Food and meals.
- General living expenses - entertainment, public transport, personal items, etc.
- Passports and visa costs.
- Some host universities will require students to pay the equivalent of a SSAF direct to them. This will be in addition to your University of Adelaide SSAF. There are some cases where this fee is greater than the SSAF at the University of Adelaide.
In creating a budget for your exchange, you should consider both the length of time you intend to spend overseas and the cost of living at your destination. Our host pages provide information about cost of living and other university-specific expenses as provided by host universities. There are also resources you can access online such as destination guides and visitor information that will provide an additional indication of how much it will cost to live and study in at your destination.
As an exchange student, your travel insurance is covered under the University of Adelaide's Travel Insurance policy. However, if study for a period that exceeds the maximum allowed by this travel insurance, or undertake activities that are outside the policy's coverage, you may need to pay an additional amount (before you depart) to ensure you are fully covered, and for which you should budget.
In some cases, students will be required to purchase specific health insurance as directed by their host university. For more information, visit the Travel Insurance page.
Funding options
For more information about paying for your exchange, see the Study Overseas funding page.
Fee-paying study abroad semester programs
While most students participating in a semester program will engage with one of our exchange partners, you may wish to consider participating in a study abroad program through a program provider or by enrolling directly at an overseas university. This will involve a direct application and you will be responsible for tuition fees payable directly to the provider or host institution.
Exchange student stories
Preshaan Thavarajah - Exchange Alumni Testimonial
Preshaan Thavarajah completed his exchange at National University of Singapore for Full Year 2024. Preshaan went on exchange for his Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Advanced).
Levi McKenzie - Study Tour Alumni Testimonial
Levi McKenzie completed Study Tour: Seoul-changing Biotechnology in 2023. Levi is a New Colombo Plan (NCP) alumni and received mobility grant for the the study tour. Recently he was appointed as the NCP (Representative) for The University of Adelaide.
Read more about Levi McKenzie - Study Tour Alumni TestimonialAlexander Nicholas - Exchange Alumni Testimonial
Alexander Nicholas completed his exchange at Cardiff University for Full Year 2023. Alexander went on exchange for his Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Electrical & Electronic).
Read more about Alexander Nicholas - Exchange Alumni Testimonial16 Jan
Mia Romeo - Exchange Alumni Testimonial
Mia Romeo completed her exchange at University of Nottingham for Full Year 2023-2024. Mia went on exchange for her Bachelor of Food & Nutrition Science. 26 Nov
Jasmine Stewart-Apps - Exchange Alumni Testimonial
Jasmine Stewart-Apps completed her exchange at Shanghai Jiao Tong University for Semester 2 2023. Jasmine went on Exchange for her Bachelor of Arts.